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Your engagement ring is one of the most important and valuable items you own. It’s also a symbol of your love and commitment to each other. So, should you insure your engagement ring?

There are a few things to consider when making this decision. First, how much is your ring worth? Second, what is your insurance policy deductible? And third, what type of coverage do you need?

Weighing these factors will help you decide if insuring your engagement ring is the right choice for you.

1. The value of your ring

There is no denying the value of your ring, whether it be a family heirloom or a gift from a loved one. Its worth goes beyond its monetary cost, as the true value lies in the sentimental attachment we have to it. The ring helps remind us of special moments, people, and events that made an impact in our lives, preserving them for years to come.

It can even act as a symbol of luck and protection that helps us take courage on difficult days. All these qualities make the ring an invaluable part of our lives.

2. Your lifestyle

Living my life with purpose and intention has been a goal of mine for many years. I’m dedicated to establishing good habits and practices to keep me focused and inspired. My mornings typically start off with a meditation, followed by either a workout or an outdoor activity like biking or running.

Eating nutritious meals, along with regular exercise and enough restful sleep have helped me become healthier and happier.

It is important for me to have some luxury in my life, so I often spoil myself when it comes to leisure activities – whether it be using my yoga membership, having brunch with friends, or reading a good book by the beach. Living my lifestyle with intention lets me feel balanced while giving me greater clarity in what I value in life.

3. Your home insurance policy

The thought of something going wrong with your home can be daunting, but having a proper home insurance policy gives you peace of mind. It can help protect you from unexpected damages and repairs that may occur to make sure you don’t have to pay for them out of pocket.

Furthermore, a good home insurance policy will even cover certain events like mold or tornado damage which some policies don’t always offer.

You never know when the unthinkable could happen and it’s important to make sure you have the financial protection in place with the right coverage.

Doing your research and making sure that your policy covers what it needs to can help put your mind at ease knowing that you are covered should anything arise.

4. Deductibles and coverage limits

When it comes to insurance policies, many individuals find that deductibles are one of the most perplexing components; especially when combined with a variety of coverage limits.

The deductible, which is the amount paid by the individual before the insurer takes over any costs associated with a claim, serves to reduce the price of premiums.

Furthermore, as each insurance policy has different levels of cover and benefits, there are also varying levels of limits that correspond to claims made during any given period. As managing these components can be complex, it is important for individuals to educate themselves about their given policy before signing up for coverage.

5. Replacement cost vs actual cash value

Deciding the value of property or possessions in the event of damage or a total loss is not a straightforward task. This is why insurers often consider two types of value when calculating an insurance payout – replacement cost and actual cash value.

Replacement cost is what it would take to replace the same item, while actual cash value accounts for depreciation and only covers the item’s market worth at the time of claim.

Despite using different factors, the ultimate goal of both forms of valuation is to provide appropriate coverage for policyholders. Utilizing either method helps to ensure that affected individuals are fairly compensated after suffering a loss.

6. How to insure your ring

Having a ring is a special experience and a symbol of your relationship, so it’s important to safeguard it in case anything were to happen. One of the best ways to ensure your ring is to get an appraisal that accurately details the value of your purchase.

The appraisal should be performed by a certified gemologist who can provide a reliable evaluation of its quality and offer guidance on selecting appropriate insurance coverage that fits whatever budget you have.

Additionally, comprehensive home insurance or separate jewelry coverage may also be worth considering because it can cover accidental physical damage or theft in addition to the appraised value of the item.

Protecting your ring with an appraisal and sufficient insurance coverage is an important way to ensure that the sentimental value, as well as its financial worth, is safe for years to come.

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Julie Abelstedt
Vinn 4000 kr. av smycken
Jag ger bort en shoppingrunda varje månad till en lycklig Abelstedt Club-medlem. Anmäl dig nedan för att delta i den månatliga tävlingen.
Hitta din ringstorlek
Storlek Indre diameter (mm) Inre omkrets (mm) US storlek UK storlek
XXXS 16.3 52 6 L
XXS 17.0 54 7 N
XS 18.0 57 8 P
S 18.8 60 9 R
M 19.6 62 10 T
L 20.4 65 11 V
XL 21.2 67 12 X
XXL 21.8 70 13 Z
Hur man mäter


1. Ta tag i ett måttband, ett snöre eller en pappersremsa.

2. Vira den runt fingret du ska bära ringen på – om du skapar en ringstapel, fundera på var på fingret ringen ska sitta – och markera var den förenas med en penna.

3. Lägg ditt snöre eller pappersremsa på en plan yta och mät längden upp till märket med hjälp av en linjal. Använd tabellen ovan för att matcha måttet till närmaste Abelstedt ringstorlek.

Measure finger for ring size

Mät en existerande ring

1. Välj en ring som redan passar fingret bra.

2. Mät ringens innerdiameter i millimeter (mm).

3. Använd måtttabellen ovan för att matcha storleken på din ring till närmaste Abelstedt storlek i mm.

Measure ring size
Abelstedt Blue Box

Abelstedt presenttips

  • If you’re between sizes, go for the larger size if the ring is wide and the smaller size if the ring is narrow.
  • There’s not a large difference between two subsequent sizes on the size chart. If in doubt, go with your gut. You can always exchange the size through our easy returns process.

Till din tjänst

Vår kundtjänst är alltid redo att hjälpa till. Chatta med oss live eller skicka ett mail till oss.

Hitta din ringstorlek
Storlek Inre diameter (mm) Inre omkrets (mm) US storlek UK storlek
XXS 15.3 48 4.5 I
XS 15.9 50 5.5 K
S 16.5 52 6 L
M 17.3 54 7 N
L 17.7 56 7.5 O
XL 18.5 58 8.5 Q
XXL 19.1 60 9 S
Hur man mäter


1. Ta tag i ett måttband, ett snöre eller en pappersremsa.

2. Vira den runt fingret du ska bära ringen på – om du skapar en ringstapel, fundera på var på fingret ringen ska sitta – och markera var den förenas med en penna.

3. Lägg ditt snöre eller pappersremsa på en plan yta och mät längden upp till märket med hjälp av en linjal. Använd tabellen ovan för att matcha måttet till närmaste Abelstedt ringstorlek.

Measure finger for ring size

Mät en existerande ring

1. Välj en ring som redan passar fingret bra.

2. Mät ringens innerdiameter i millimeter (mm).

3. Använd måtttabellen ovan för att matcha storleken på din ring till närmaste Abelstedt storlek i mm.

Measure ring size
Abelstedt Blue Box

Abelstedt presenttips

  • If you’re between sizes, go for the larger size if the ring is wide and the smaller size if the ring is narrow.
  • There’s not a large difference between two subsequent sizes on the size chart. If in doubt, go with your gut. You can always exchange the size through our easy returns process.

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Vår kundtjänst är alltid redo att hjälpa till. Chatta med oss live eller skicka ett mail till oss.

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